- Also known as (or relevant to)
- Family
- Moraceae
- English Names
- Indian Hemp
- Hashish herb (Mexican Hashish is known as Marihuana or Marijuana)
- Natural Habitat
- Eastern Asia (including India)
- Egypt
- Iran
- Eastern Europe
- East- and South Africa; naturalized in South America
- Zanzibar
- U. S. A.
- Mexico
- Part(s) Used
- Herba Cannabis indicae
- Oleum Cannabis indicae
- Ganja (known in the English drug market as "Guaza")
- Constituent(s)
- resin (cannabinone)
- known in India as Charas and containing cannabinol
- cannabol
- cannabindiol
- cannin
- cholin
- Action
- herb: soporific
- anodyne
- antispasmodic
- hypnotic
- narcotic
- intoxicant
- nerve-stimulant
- toxic; oil: narcotic
- intoxicant
- toxic. The plant attains its highest therapeutic power when grown in tropical or subtropical countries
- inasmuch as it develops there a larger content of resin than elsewhere. Especially the female plants growing in the hot regions of the tropics yield a quantity of resin possessing intoxicating properties