- Also known as (or relevant to)
- Family
- Compositae
- English Names
- Natural Habitat
- Central and Southern Europe
- Western Asia
- Columbia
- Missouri
- Part(s) Used
- Flores Arnicae
- Folia Arnicae
- Rhizoma Arnicae
- Oleum Arnicae
- Constituent(s)
- flower: essential oil
- phytosterin
- acids; tannin
- lutein
- resin
- arnicin
- (trimethylamine)
- cholin; rootstock: arnicin
- gum
- inulin
- essential oil
- tannin
- resin
- wax
- acids; leaf: arnicin
- essential oil
- fat
- resin
- tannin
- Action
- flower: haemostatic
- anodyne
- nervine
- febrifuge
- expectorant; leaf: febrifuge
- vulnerary
- sternutatory; rootstock: febrifuge
- diuretic
- stimulant
- discutient
- vulnerary. The whole plant is toxic