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Curculigo recurvata W. T. Aiton

Rampak (Murong - -)

name Curculigo recurvata W. T. Aiton
Local Name Rampak
Tribe (Info) Murong
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Root
Ailment Deep wounds, severing of tendons. The roots when grinded yield a whitish mucus like substance, which is applied to the affected area.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Lerudong (Tripura - -)

name Curculigo recurvata W. T. Aiton
Local Name Lerudong
Tribe (Info) Tripura
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Root, root cluster
Ailment Rheumatism, waist and/or joint pain, sexual stimulant. 1. Root cluster is powdered after thorough cleansing and made into pills the size of bean seeds. Three pills are taken twice daily as sexual stimulant. 2. Paste of root cluster is applied to area of rheumatism or joint pain followed by mild warming of the affected area.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Curculigo orchiodes Gaertn.

Guo gochi, Talmuli, Kali mushli (- - -)

name Curculigo orchiodes Gaertn.
Local Name Guo gochi, Talmuli, Kali mushli
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The root is used to increase physical strength as well as in mental depressions.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Talmula (Muslim - Rajshahi)

name Curculigo orchiodes Gaertn.
Local Name Talmula
Tribe (Info) Muslim
Village -
District ( Map) Rajshahi
Part(s) Used Stem, root
Ailment Debility, dizziness. The crushed stem and roots are eaten with sugar or molasses.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Local name: Talmuli, Bengali name: Talmuli, English name: Golden eye grass (- - Noakhali)

name Curculigo orchiodes Gaertn.
Local Name Local name: Talmuli, Bengali name: Talmuli, English name: Golden eye grass
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Noakhali
Part(s) Used Root
Ailment Roots are taken during spermatorrhea and weakness in sexual functioning. Roots are also used to treat diabetes and gonorrhea.
Procurement Kaviraj Subroto Nag, Laxmipur, Noakhali
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.
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