Aritalab:Lecture/NGS/Unix commands/Examples

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Set Operations

We assume two sets A and B whose elements are listed line by line.

  • Set size: the number of elements in set A
wc -l A
  • Set inclusion: whether an element k is in set A
$ grep -xc 'k' A
  • Set equivalence between two sets A and B
$ diff -q <(sort A | uniq) <(sort B | uniq)
  • Set union A ∪ B = C
$ cat A B | sort | uniq > C
  • Set intersection A ∩ B = C
$ comm -12 <(sort A | uniq) <(sort B | uniq)
The 'comm -12' command outputs shared lines only. This command can be used to find the set inclusion (whether set A is a subset of B). The following option outputs lines only in the first file (set A), i.e., no output means that A is completely included B.
$ comm -23 <(sort A | uniq) <(sort B | uniq)


  • Simple arithmetic by the shell command echo "$(( ... ))" (no floating number)
echo "$((12345 + 23456))"
  • Interactive mode of Perl
perl -E "say 123 / 1.5"
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