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m ({{Bilingual|漢方の英訳はChinese Medicineではありません|Kampo ≠ Chinese Medicine}})
m ({{Bilingual|イギリス医薬やドイツ医薬とは言わないのに?|But don't we say English or German medicine?}})
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* '''漢方薬''' <br/> 中国の古典[[Doc:Honzo|「傷寒論」「金匱要略」]]から日本独自の発展を遂げた、複数生薬の配合処方。葛根湯や安中散を含みます。([[Persist:CrudeDrugList|生薬一覧]])
* '''漢方薬''' <br/> 中国の古典[[Doc:Honzo|「傷寒論」「金匱要略」]]から日本独自の発展を遂げた、複数生薬の配合処方。葛根湯や安中散を含みます。([[Persist:CrudeDrugList|生薬一覧]])
* '''中薬''' <br/> 同様に中国で発展した生薬配合。患者に応じた処方の変化が大きく、利用する動植物も数百に及びます。ヤモリの黒焼きなどもあります。([[Index:TCM|中薬一覧]])
* '''中薬''' (または中医薬) <br/> 同様に中国で発展した生薬配合。患者に応じた処方の変化が大きく、利用する動植物も数百に及びます。ヤモリの黒焼きなどもあります。([[Index:TCM|中薬一覧]])
* '''民間薬''' <br/> 伝承や勘に基づいた、単一生薬の処方。センブリやドクダミ、ゲンノショウコが有名。
* '''民間薬''' <br/> 伝承や勘に基づいた、単一生薬の処方。センブリやドクダミ、ゲンノショウコが有名。

Revision as of 19:28, 21 December 2010

Kampo/Crude Drug Wiki    (漢方・生薬Wiki)


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Crude-drug Top
General Index Names Prescriptions Books Journals Terminology Chinese Medicines

Kampo Medicine

Kampo ≠ Chinese Medicine

Kampo is not TCM
"Kampo", or ancient Chinese (漢) art (方) if literally translated, is the Japan's assimilated version of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It was already organized as a system in the 16th century and has been refined in a Japanese tradition since. Its notable difference from TCM is the formulation in the unitary medical system with European Medicine. It is neither complementary nor alternate medicine in Japan.
In the WHO document, Kampo is defined as "the medicine traditionally practiced in Japan, based on ancient Chinese medicine". We might call it "the traditional Japanese medicine" but this expression should include acupuncture and moxibustion treatment and is a larger concept than Kampo.

But don't we say English or German medicine?

Western medicine is based on chemical structures, and each structure is (or was) patented. In this sense, their origin is clear. On the other hand, traditional herbal medicine is one major intellectual-property issue related to biological diversity. It is therefore important to clarify origins and install an appropriate international standard.

Summary (more)

  • Kampo Medicine
    Mixed recipes of crude drugs in Japanese distinct style, originally based on classic literature such as "Shokanron" and "Kinkiyoryaku" from ancient China.
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
    Mixed recipes of crude drugs in China. It is more flexible depending on patients' conditions and uses hundreds of raw materials from plants as well as animal origins.
  • Folk Medicine
    Usually single crude drugs used by tradition or hunch.

Society Information

The Standards for Kampo Formulas

The New Standards for Kampo Formulas
In early 1970, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Health, Labor and Welfare) summarized the byelaw published as "Guideline for General Kampo Formulas" (Edited by MHW and the committee in FPMAJ, Published by Jiho), which has been known as 'The 210 formulas' for 30 years. In 2008, it underwent a significant revision and 213 formulas are listed as "Standards of Approval for the Kampo Formulation". The difference is introduced here (in Japanese).

Japanese Pharmacopoeia

Japanese Pharmacopoeia is a law

(Japanese) Pharmacopoeia is a book with legal force containing directions to identify and qualify medicinal compounds that may be used in Japan. Its revision process therefore requires utmost attention. Since it is a legal document, there are some side effects such as for the scientific name of Cinnamon.

Crude Drugs in Kampo Medicine
In addition to Western medicines, around 150 crude drugs are listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. On our site, their details are introduced with links to available Kampo formulas.

Literature Information

This site contains 7677 article information on Kampo formulas. They are listed at the bottom of each page for Kampo prescription.

Availability, Production Methods, Examinations

Image Gallery

Pages in category "CD"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.

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