From Metabolomics.JP
- 古細菌研究の歴史(レビュー)[1]
- 配列比較以外の系統樹構築方法についての概説[4]
- 16S rRNAをつかったアーキア系統樹で参考にした論文[5]
- References
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- ↑ Pace, N.R. (2009) Mapping the tree of life: progress and prospects. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBR 73, 565-76
- ↑ Ciccarelli, F.D. et al. (2006) Toward automatic reconstruction of a highly resolved tree of life. Science, 311, 1283-7
- ↑ Delsuc, F., Brinkmann, H. & Philippe, H. (2005) Phylogenomics and the reconstruction of the tree of life. Nature reviews. Genetics 6, 361-75
- ↑ Yarza, P. et al. (2008) The All-Species Living Tree project: a 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic tree of all sequenced type strains. Systematic and applied microbiology 31, 241-50