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if (l.find("グルコース") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"グルコース") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ソルビトール") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ソルビトール") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("マンニトール") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"マンニトール") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ミオイノシトール") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ミオイノシトール") ~= null) then (L["糖"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("アスパラギン酸") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"アスパラギン酸") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("アルギニン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"アルギニン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("グリシン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"グリシン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("グルタミン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"グルタミン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("システイン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"システイン") ~= null) then (L["アミノ酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("カザミノ酸") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"カザミノ酸") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("トリプトン") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"トリプトン") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("プロリン") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"プロリン") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ペプトン") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ペプトン") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("酵母エキス") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"酵母エキス") ~= null) then (L["ペプチド"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("アルミニウム") ~= null) then (L["Al"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"アルミニウム") ~= null) then (L["Al"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("カリウム") ~= null) then (L["K"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"カリウム") ~= null) then (L["K"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("カルシウム") ~= null) then (L["Ca"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"カルシウム") ~= null) then (L["Ca"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("コバルト") ~= null) then (L["Co"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"コバルト") ~= null) then (L["Co"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ナトリウム") ~= null) then (L["Na"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ナトリウム") ~= null) then (L["Na"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ニッケル") ~= null) then (L["Ni"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ニッケル") ~= null) then (L["Ni"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("マグネシウム") ~= null) then (L["Mg"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"マグネシウム") ~= null) then (L["Mg"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("マンガン") ~= null) then (L["Mn"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"マンガン") ~= null) then (L["Mn"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("モリブデン酸") ~= null) then (L["Mo"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"モリブデン酸") ~= null) then (L["Mo"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ヨウ化") ~= null) then (L["I"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ヨウ化") ~= null) then (L["I"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("亜鉛") ~= null) then (L["Zn"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"亜鉛") ~= null) then (L["Zn"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("鉄)") ~= null) then (L["Fe"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"鉄)") ~= null) then (L["Fe"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("銅") ~= null) then (L["Cu"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"銅") ~= null) then (L["Cu"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("アンモニウム") ~= null) then (L["NH4"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"アンモニウム") ~= null) then (L["NH4"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ホウ酸") ~= null) then (L["H2BO3"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ホウ酸") ~= null) then (L["H2BO3"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("リン酸") ~= null) then (L["H2PO4"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"リン酸") ~= null) then (L["H2PO4"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("塩化") ~= null) then (L["Cl"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"塩化") ~= null) then (L["Cl"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("塩酸") ~= null) then (L["Cl"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"塩酸") ~= null) then (L["Cl"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("硝酸") ~= null) then (L["HNO3"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"硝酸") ~= null) then (L["HNO3"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("硫酸") ~= null) then (L["HSO4"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"硫酸") ~= null) then (L["HSO4"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("チアミン") ~= null) then (L["チアミン"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"チアミン") ~= null) then (L["チアミン"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ニコチン酸") ~= null) then (L["ニコチン酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ニコチン酸") ~= null) then (L["ニコチン酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("パントテン酸") ~= null) then (L["パントテン酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"パントテン酸") ~= null) then (L["パントテン酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ビオチン") ~= null) then (L["ビオチン"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ビオチン") ~= null) then (L["ビオチン"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ピリドキシン") ~= null) then (L["ピリドキシン"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ピリドキシン") ~= null) then (L["ピリドキシン"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("葉酸") ~= null) then (L["葉酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"葉酸") ~= null) then (L["葉酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("クエン酸") ~= null) then (L["有機酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"クエン酸") ~= null) then (L["有機酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("酒石酸") ~= null) then (L["有機酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"酒石酸") ~= null) then (L["有機酸"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("エチレンジアミン四酢酸") ~= null) then (L["EDTA"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"エチレンジアミン四酢酸") ~= null) then (L["EDTA"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ハイポネックス") ~= null) then (L["ハイポネックス"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ハイポネックス") ~= null) then (L["ハイポネックス"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("寒天") ~= null) then (L["ゲル化剤"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"寒天") ~= null) then (L["ゲル化剤"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("ゲルライト") ~= null) then (L["ゲル化剤"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"ゲルライト") ~= null) then (L["ゲル化剤"])[i] = "○" end
if (l.find("フィタゲル") ~= null) then (L["ゲル化剤"])[i] = "○" end
if (string.find(l,"フィタゲル") ~= null) then (L["ゲル化剤"])[i] = "○" end

Revision as of 18:39, 4 September 2011


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