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Isoflavone Content in Food

The table of isoflavone in food, generated from the USDA-Iowa State U Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods. Major soy products are selected. For a summary, please see this page.

Food Daidzein Genistein Glycitein Total Isofl.
Bacon, meatless 2.80 6.90 2.40 12.10
Meatless chicken nuggets, canned, cooked 4.35 9.35 0.90 14.60
Miso 16.13 24.56 2.87 42.55
Natto 21.85 29.04 8.17 58.93
Soy cheese, unspecified 11.24 20.08 31.32
Soy flour (textured) 59.62 78.90 20.19 148.61
Soy flour, full-fat, raw 71.19 96.83 16.18 177.89
Soymilk, fluid 4.45 6.06 0.56 9.65
Soy noodle, flat 0.90 3.70 3.90 8.50
Soy paste 15.03 15.21 7.70 31.52
Shoyu 0.93 0.82 0.45 1.64
Soybean, curd, fermented 14.30 22.40 2.30 39.00
Soybeans, Brazil, raw 20.16 67.47 87.63
Soybeans, Japan, raw 34.52 64.78 13.78 118.51
Soybeans, Korea, raw 72.68 72.31 144.99
Soybeans, Taiwan, raw 28.21 31.54 59.75
Soybeans, flakes, full-fat 48.23 79.98 1.57 128.99
Soybeans, immature, cooked, boiled 6.85 6.94 13.79
Soybeans, immature seeds, raw 9.27 9.84 4.29 20.42
Soybeans, green, mature seeds, raw 67.79 72.51 10.88 151.17
Soybeans, mature cooked, boiled 26.95 27.71 54.66
Soybeans, mature seeds, dry roasted 52.04 65.88 13.36 128.35
Soybeans, mature seeds, sprouted, raw 19.12 21.60 40.71
Tempeh 17.59 24.85 2.10 43.52
Tofu, silken, firm 11.13 15.58 2.40 27.91
Tofu, dried-frozen 25.34 42.15 67.49
Tofu, firm with nigari 9.44 13.35 2.08 24.74
Tofu, fried 17.83 28.00 3.37 48.35
Tofu, okara 5.39 6.48 1.64 13.51
Tofu, soft with nigari 11.99 18.23 2.03 31.10
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