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| raspberries, raw || 49 || ラズベリー (生)
| raspberries, raw || 49 || ラズベリー (生)
; {{Bilingual|フラボノイドをあまり含まない野菜、ハーブ|Vegetables and herbs with scarce flavonoids}}
The following vegetables and herbs have flavonoid contents less than 5 mg/100 g:
beets, kidney beans, snap beans, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber, endive, gourd, leek, lettuce, green peas, sweet pepper, potato, radish, tomato, oregano, perrilla, rosemary
以下の野菜やハーブは フラボノイドの含有量が 5 mg/100 g 以下です。
ビーツ, えんどう豆, キャベツ, にんじん, カリフラワー, きゅうり, エンダイブ, ゴード, 長ねぎ, レタス, グリンピース, パプリカ, ポテト, かぶ, トマト, オレガノ, しそ, ローズマリー

Revision as of 13:03, 28 September 2010

Food containing high Flavanone

Flavanones are rich in citrus, not in vegetables.

Food concentration
grapefruit, raw or juice 14-53 グレープフルーツ (生、ジュース)
orange and tangerine, raw or juice 13-33 オレンジ、みかん (生、ジュース)
Food containing high flavone

Many herbs contain flavones. Parsley is rich in apigenin, celery and thyme in luteolin.

Food concentration
celery hearts, raw 19 セロリの芯 (生)
parsley, raw 302 パセリ (生)
Food containing high flavonol

Flavonols are prevalent in vegetables, usually in small amounts. Onions, kales, hot peppers are good sources.

Food concentration
buckwheat 23 そば
cranberry, juice 16 クランベリー (ジュース)
onion, raw or boiled 5-20 たまねぎ (生、ゆで等)
kale, raw or canned 18-34 ケール (生、かんづめ)
Food containing high flavan

Catechins and epicatechins are contained in legumes and teas, but not in other vegetables.

Food concentration
(mg/100g or 100ml)
broadbeans, raw ~50 そらまめ (生)
dark chocolate bar ~50 ダークチョコレート
black grapes 18 黒いブドウ
brewed black tea > 16 淹れた紅茶
brewed oolong tea 50 淹れたウーロン茶
brewed green tea > 50 淹れた緑茶
Food containing high anthocyanin

Anthocyanins are contained in berries. Vegetables supply only small amounts.

Food concentration
blueberries, raw 113 ブルーベリー (生)
sweet cherries, raw 116 さくらんぼ (生)
elderberries, raw 749 エルダーベリー (生)
raspberries, raw 49 ラズベリー (生)
Vegetables and herbs with scarce flavonoids

The following vegetables and herbs have flavonoid contents less than 5 mg/100 g: beets, kidney beans, snap beans, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber, endive, gourd, leek, lettuce, green peas, sweet pepper, potato, radish, tomato, oregano, perrilla, rosemary

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