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==Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.==
==Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.==

Revision as of 09:00, 9 February 2010

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Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.

Kesharaj (- - -)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Kesharaj
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The leaves are used in liver disorders.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Kala katra/Keshuti (- - Narshingdi)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Kala katra/Keshuti
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Narshingdi
Part(s) Used -
Ailment Decoction of the root is taken for edema, and rubbed on the scalp for a soothing effect.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Kala-kaiccha (- - Noakhali)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Kala-kaiccha
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Noakhali
Part(s) Used Green leaves and branches
Ailment The root is cut off followed by washing and crushing of the branches and leaves in a little water to form a semi-solid paste. The paste is fed to the patient for curing of abdominal pain and waist pain. The paste is also applied to hair as anti-dandruff.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Keshra (Muslim - Rajshahi)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Keshra
Tribe (Info) Muslim
Village -
District ( Map) Rajshahi
Part(s) Used Whole flowering plant
Ailment Jaundice. The whole flowering plant including roots are crushed and mixed with rice powder and made into rotis (a form of unleavened bread). Rotis are taken twice daily for 7 days.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Kalo-keshi (- Bohrat village Bogra)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Kalo-keshi
Tribe (Info) -
Village Bohrat village
District ( Map) Bogra
Part(s) Used Whole plant
Ailment Tonic, fever, cold, leucorrhea, emetic, purgative, antiseptic, viral diseases
Procurement Bohrat village, Bogra
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Tri-shorong (Tripura - -)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Tri-shorong
Tribe (Info) Tripura
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, root
Ailment Itches, prevent hair loss, keep head cool, fever, skin disorders, elephantitis (abnormally large scrotum), jaundice, rheumatic fever. 1. Leaf juice is applied to itches or head 2-3 times daily for 8-10 days. 2. Root juice when taken reduces fever and rheumatic fever; when applied to skin cures skin disorders. 3. Leaf juice is taken as a remedy for jaundice. Root paste is applied to area of scrotum as remedy for elephantitis.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Naipong (Rakhain - -)

name Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Local Name Naipong
Tribe (Info) Rakhain
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Malaria, poisonous animal or insect bites, ease pain of delivery, vomiting tendency, indigestion, burning sensations in hand and feet, ulcer, scabies, abscess, wounds and infection following wounds, antiseptic. Half teaspoon of leaf juice is mixed with honey and taken thrice daily till cure as remedy for malaria, easing of pain during delivery, vomiting tendency, indigestion, ulcer, and burning sensations in hand and feet. Leaf juice or leaf paste is applied to poisonous animal or insect bites and to scabies, abscesses, wounds, and wounds that have become infected. Leaf juice or leaf paste is also used as an antiseptic against viral and bacterial infections.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Eclipta erecta

( )

name Eclipta erecta
Local Name
Tribe (Info)
District ( Map)
Part(s) Used
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.
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