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Latest revision as of 09:00, 9 February 2010

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[edit] Acacia arabica Willd.

[edit] Babla (Santal - Rajshahi)

name Acacia arabica Willd.
Local Name Babla
Tribe (Info) Santal
Village -
District ( Map) Rajshahi
Part(s) Used Gum
Ailment Puerperal fever (resulting in excessive loss of weight in women). Flower buds of Hibiscus rosa sinensis, aerial roots of bot (Ficus benghalensis), one lobongo (clove), gum from babla (Acacia arabica) is blended together and taken with a small amount of ginger juice.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

[edit] Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.

[edit] Aao-wia-pang (Marma - -)

name Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.
Local Name Aao-wia-pang
Tribe (Info) Marma
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The root is used to treat fever and crying in children.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

[edit] Pui-shing (Murong - -)

name Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.
Local Name Pui-shing
Tribe (Info) Murong
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Rheumatic pain, pain around the tendons, gonorrhea. Leaves are warmed and applied to affected areas as remedy for rheumatic and tendon pains. Leaves are boiled in water and the water drunk for gonorrhea.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

[edit] Wilfa (Tripura - -)

name Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.
Local Name Wilfa
Tribe (Info) Tripura
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, stem, bark, flower
Ailment Fear in children, vomiting or urge to vomit, strengthen gums, toothache. 1. The leaves, stems and flowers are boiled in water followed by bathing of children in that water to reduce fear. 2. Half teaspoon full of bark juice is taken to stop vomiting or to stop urge to vomit. 3. Teeth brushed with a branch reduces toothache and strengthens gums.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

[edit] Wil-fai (Chak - -)

name Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.
Local Name Wil-fai
Tribe (Info) Chak
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Root
Ailment Urinary disorders including burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, difficulties in urination, lower abdominal pain. A paste of root is applied to the lower abdominal area followed by covering with a warm cloth. To be done 2-3 times.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.
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