Revision as of 09:00, 2 June 2009
General Index | Ion Frequency | Prec.-Product | Neutral Loss | Help |
IDs and Links | |
MassBank | Tilt (TM) |
CAS | 60207-90-1 |
Keio ID | T108+ |
Contents |
Top 10 Similar Molecules of Tilt (TM)
Ranking | About scoring |
The similarity score between two molecules is defined as the sum of Shannon entropy of ionic formulas shared by the molecules:
Page list for each fragment |
Pages Related to Peak C5H9:
KOX00043p KOX00083p KOX00090p KOX00233p KOX00251p KOX00254p KOX00295p KOX00364p KOX00391p KOX00469p KOX00518p KOX00558p KOX00616p KOX00645p KOX00682p KOX00685p KOX00719p KOX00762p KOX00773p KOX00822p KOX00857p KOX00858p KOX00903p |
Precursor-Product Relationship
About the PP Table (行列表示について) | |
The matrix is viewed columnwise. The topmost precursor ion in bold face produces the product ions beneath it.
Each formula in matrix cells corresponds to the neutral loss. Blackout cells indicate products that cannot be derived, and orange cells indicate a structurally plausible link produced by cleaving a single chemical bond (in cases of ring-opening, two bonds). |
行列は列方向に見ます。最上段太字の前駆イオン(precursor ion)が直下の生成イオン群(product ions)になると解釈します。
行列要素に書かれている組成式はニュートラルロスです。黒は前駆イオンから生成しえない関係、オレンジは分子構造における共有結合1本の切断(開環の場合は2本)で生じる関係を意味します。 |
KOX00889p | 272 C15H18N3O2Cl2 |
259 C12H13Cl2O2 |
173 C7H3Cl2O |
159 C7H5Cl2 |
123 C7H4Cl |
69 C5H9 |
272 C15H18N3O2Cl2 |
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259 C12H13Cl2O2 |
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173 C7H3Cl2O | C5H10O |
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159 C7H5Cl2 | C5H8O2 |
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123 C7H4Cl | C5H9ClO2 | HCl |
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69 C5H9 | C10H9N3O2 | C7H4Cl2O2 |