URL: http://metabolomics.jp/ */ if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) { die( 'This file is a MediaWiki extension, see ExMolFunctions.php.' ); } $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name' => 'ExMolFunctions', 'version' => '0.1', 'author' => 'K, Suwa', 'description' => 'Link and page which receive template and arguments', 'url' => 'http://metabolomics.jp/wiki/Help:Extension/ExMolFunctions', ); $wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = 'efExMolFunctionsView'; $wgHooks['ArticleSave'][] = 'efExMolFunctionsDataInsert'; global $egMolNamespace; $egMolNamespace = "Mol"; function efExMolFunctionsView( &$parser, &$text, &$strip_state ) { global $wgTitle, $egMolNamespace; if( ereg( "^$egMolNamespace:.*$", $wgTitle ) && ereg( "\nM END *(\n|$)", $text ) !== FALSE ) { $text = "[[Image:{{PAGENAME}}.png]]\n
" . $text . "\n
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#		$wikitext = '
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#	$wikitext = trim( $wikitext );
#	if( strripos( $wikitext, '
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"; $text = ereg_replace( " *\n", " \n", $wikitext ); # create and add/update image $id = $parser->getTitle()->getText(); # create image and save to egTmpPath $file = "$egTmpPath/$id.png"; $nfile = "$egTmpPath/" . $id . "n.png"; $delete_flag = false; if( !isset( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] ) || strlen( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] ) == 0 ) { $path = "/tmp"; $delete_flag = true; } else { $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $egMolPath . "/" . substr( $id, 0, 4 ); if( !file_exists( $path ) ){ mkdir( $path ); } else if( !is_dir( $path ) ){ $path = "/tmp"; $delete_flag = true; } } # `$egJavaBin -jar $egMolImageJar $file '$wikitext' $width $height $autodraw $option`; # temporary change. ### /* $molfile = "$path/$id.mol"; $mfh = fopen( "$molfile", "w" ); fwrite( $mfh, "$wikitext" ); fclose( $mfh ); `DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 $egJavaBin -jar $egMolImageJar $autodraw -p -s 15 -l 2 -o "$egTmpPath" "$molfile"`; # over ################ $base = wfBaseName( $file ); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_IMAGE, $base ); if( !is_object( $title ) ){ # error return true; } $image = wfLocalFile( $title ); $archive = $image->publish( $file ); if( WikiError::isError( $archive ) || !$archive->isGood() ) { # error return true; } if( !$image->recordUpload( $archive->value, "", "" ) ) { return true; # error } unlink( $file ); if( $delete_flag ) unlink( $molfile ); */ efExMolFunctionsCreateImage( $path, $id, $file, $wikitext, $autodraw, $delete_flag, "" ); efExMolFunctionsCreateImage( $path, $id . "n", $nfile, $wikitext, $autodraw, $delete_flag, "-n" ); return true; } function efExMolFunctionsCreateImage( $path, $id, $file, $wikitext, $autodraw, $delete_flag, $number_flag ) { global $egJavaBin, $egMolImageJar, $egTmpPath; $molfile = "$path/$id.mol"; $mfh = fopen( "$molfile", "w" ); fwrite( $mfh, "$wikitext" ); fclose( $mfh ); `DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 $egJavaBin -jar $egMolImageJar $autodraw $number_flag -p -s 15 -l 2 -o "$egTmpPath" "$molfile"`; $base = wfBaseName( $file ); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_IMAGE, $base ); if( !is_object( $title ) ){ # error return true; } $image = wfLocalFile( $title ); $archive = $image->publish( $file ); if( WikiError::isError( $archive ) || !$archive->isGood() ) { # error return true; } if( !$image->recordUpload( $archive->value, "", "" ) ) { return true; # error } unlink( $file ); if( $delete_flag ) unlink( $molfile ); }